Secretes Happy Hormones like Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, hence it improves your mood and you get id off irritation & Anxiety without reason, great Eye Tonic which helps in Myopia & Hyper Mytropia, a good resource of Potassium hence it regulates B.P. It is also great for Cardio- Vascular system ,it is powerful cardiac Sedative, Prevents Edema & Cardiac Arrest. It makes our Arteries & Veins Elastic, improves Integumentary system & improves Skin health, maintains moisture, anti aging, improves skin’s elasticity, reduces wrinkles as it contains GLUTA THIEONS remove carcinogenic toxins from tissues. It is a great Anti Aging substance.
Sahastra Veerya, Mahaapurush Dantee, Mahaushadhi, Asparagus Racemosus
Bioactive Compounds & Phytonutrients: Four steroids Saponins known as Shatavarin, Oligospirostanoside, Polycyclic Alkanoids, Isoflavones, Racemofuran, Flavanoids, Sterols, Kaeptral & Sarsapogenin Essential Fatty Acids- Gamma Linoleinic Acids, Diosgenin, Quercetin 3-Glucourbnides.
Shatavari secretes Happy Hormones like Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, hence it improves your mood and you get id off irritation & Anxiety without reason.
It is a great Eye Tonic which helps in Myopia & Hyper Mytropia.
It is a good resource of Potassium hence it regulates B.P. It is also great for Cardio- Vascular system ,it is powerful cardiac Sedative, Prevents Edema & Cardiac Arrest. It makes our Arteries & Veins Elastic.
Very beneficial for our respiratory System. It is helpful in allergies, asthma & TB
It nourishes Good Bacteria of our Gastro-intestinal Tract hence relieves Dyspepsia, clear bowel, cures ulcers, protects gastric mueosa, enhances peristaltic movement hence it improves appetite, better absorption & efficient removal. It is helpful for both constipation & dysentry.
It improves Integumentary system & improves Skin health, maintains moisture, anti aging, improves skin’s elasticity, reduces wrinkles as it contains GLUTA THIEONS remove carcinogenic toxins from tissues. It is a great Anti Aging substance.