Analgesic, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-carcenogenic, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Septic, Anti-Spasmodic, Anti-Tumor, Appetizer, Astringent, Carminative, Cholagogue (A substance that promotes the flow of bile from the Gall-Bladder into the duodenum), Digestive, Stimulant, Vulnerary (Plant of use in the healing of wound), Hepato-Protective, Blood Purifier, Generator of Liver Detoxifier, Generator of Liver Tissues, Protects from DNA damage in Lymphocytes, Turmeric & Curcumin increases the mucin content of the stomach and exert Gastro-Protective effects against stress, Alcohol, Drug induced ulcer formation, It has positive effect on Gall-Bladder function and can aid in lowering Cholesterol, Treating Dyspepsia, Curcuminoids prevents the increse of liver enzymes, SGOT & SGPT, this validates the use of turmeric as a Hepato-protective drug in liver-disorders. CURONE obtained from it used against Hepotitis, Flush Out from the body the extra fat accumulated in the body, Detoxifies the body, Protects body from Bacterial, Viral & Fungal infection, It is a blessing for Diabetic Patients, Improves quality & quantity of Blood, Protects from the Fevers occuring during weather change.