
Benefits Of Saffron

Saffron has been considered a Panacea according to Ayurvedic, Mangolian, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Arabic medicines, Antidepressant, Carotenoids which include Crocin & Crocetin play an important role in health by acting as natural oxidants. They protect cells & tissues from the detrimental effects of free radicals & Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). It also helps to reduce the negative effect of Oxidative Stress on our brain, Hypolipidemic effect of Crocin is attributed to the inhibition of Pancriatic Lipase, thus limiting the absorption of fats & Cholesterol, saffron extract can reduce eye diseases such as Retinal Degeneration, Light-Mediated Photo-Receptor cell death, improves blood circulation & Retinal function.


Reinsta Pro

Original price was: ₹1,800.00.Current price is: ₹1,260.00.
The present concept of REINSTA PRO is based upon extensive study of various preparations, recipes documented by ancient noble Vaidyas and the ingredients of it have been described in detail in ancient treaties and books published in recent times viz. Charak Samhita, Ashtang Hridayam, Bhav Praksh Nighantu, Sharangdhar Samhitaa, Materia Medica of India and their Theraputics, Vanaushidhi Chandroday, Ashtang Sangrah kee Vanauhadhiyan, Dhanwantari Parichay, Ayurveda Darsana, Sanskrit Sahitya men Paryavaran evam Kalidas ki Vanaspatiyan, Scientific Exposition of Ayurveda, Geriatics in Ayurveda, Basavarajeeyam, and much more.
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