Rock Sugar

Benefits Of Rock Sugar

A natural Adaptogen hence it can help the body to cope with the stress & anxiety, a rich source of Calcium which is essential for strong bones & teeth. regulate Cortisol levels in body which is a hormone that is released in response to stress, contains IRON which is essential for the production of RBC, contains Zinc, essential for immune function,

Mishree, sitaa, Sacckarum Purifictium

Rock Sugar is a natural Adaptogen hence it can help the body to cope with the stress & anxiety.

It is a rich source of Calcium which is essential for strong bones & teeth.

It can help to regulate Cortisol levels in body which is a hormone that is released in response to stress.

It contains IRON which is essential for the production of RBC.

It contains Zinc, essential for immune function.

In Ayurveda its benefits are Netrya (Better eye sight), Kshat-Kshin-Har(Removes Fatigue & Tiredness), Sarak(Lexative), Shukra-Vardhak, Bal-Kaarak, Rakt-Pitt Har, Chardighna (Treats Vomiting & Nausea).

Combination of milk & Rock sugar is considered as Nectar and it improves brain health & memory, relaxes the mind, sound sleep & protects from Depression, Stress & mood swing. It brings better digestion by correcting constipation, acidity & indigestion. Consumption of kesar & rock sugar with milk increases Hemoglobin count & improves blood circulation which brings glow to your skin.

Bhav Prakash Nighantu has described the virtue of Rock Sugar-
सिता, पुश्पसिता, वृष्या, रक्त पित्त हरी लघुह |
सितोपला सारा लध्वी वात पित्त हरी हिमा ||


Reinsta Pro

Original price was: ₹1,800.00.Current price is: ₹1,260.00.
The present concept of REINSTA PRO is based upon extensive study of various preparations, recipes documented by ancient noble Vaidyas and the ingredients of it have been described in detail in ancient treaties and books published in recent times viz. Charak Samhita, Ashtang Hridayam, Bhav Praksh Nighantu, Sharangdhar Samhitaa, Materia Medica of India and their Theraputics, Vanaushidhi Chandroday, Ashtang Sangrah kee Vanauhadhiyan, Dhanwantari Parichay, Ayurveda Darsana, Sanskrit Sahitya men Paryavaran evam Kalidas ki Vanaspatiyan, Scientific Exposition of Ayurveda, Geriatics in Ayurveda, Basavarajeeyam, and much more.
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